International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training <p>International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training (IJTVET) is an open access journal. The editorial board invites authors and experts to publish and share their ideas through scientific and empirical research in the field of education and technology. The major objective of the publication is to improve theories, concepts, and practices in the field of information technology, vocational education and training. The dissemination of research will enable young researchers, and practitioners to present and share their scientific empirical findings. We are going to be a bridge between theories and practices in information technology, vocational education and training.</p> <p>The participation of the well-known international and national experts in the editorial board is a guarantee of the sustainability and quality of the publications as a contribution to the development of information technology, vocational education and training. research on the national and international scale. IJTVET will be published semi annual (Mei and Desember) and contained ten empirical researches, preferably in English. This will make it possible to introduce the latest empirical research findings to practitioners and academicians. The journal will be interesting both to academics and practitioners. The journal is aimed at researchers, lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and also practitioners.</p> Perkumpulan Doktor Indonesia Maju (PDIM) en-US International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training Application of Project Based Learning Methods to Increase the Activeness and Creativity of Class XI TKJ Students <h1><em>The characteristic of modern education today is the emphasis on students' active and creative participation, which includes intellectual and emotional aspects in the learning process. In the context of learning graphic printing skills, the focus is on developing students' operational capacity, both mentally and physically. However, observations and interviews at SMK Negeri 7 Sijunjung show that learning needs to be more varied. Some teachers teach using conventional methods, such as games, demonstrations, and videos, while students follow the teacher's instructions without being actively and creatively involved. This makes learning less attractive for students as an alternative to increasing student engagement. This research was conducted through two cycles, each involving planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The action was carried out by utilizing internet media and other information technology and giving students project assignments. The research results showed an increase in students' average activity and creativity from one meeting to the next at the end of the second cycle. This indicates that the use of the project-based learning model can increase student involvement, and this model can be applied to help students develop their respective competencies. </em></h1> Ibnu Sudarmadi Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 4 2 48 53 10.46643/ijtvet.v4i2.154 pengembangan Development of an Ethnhomathematics Module Based on Local Culture in Improving Elementary School Students' Mathematical Literacy Abilities <h1><em>The aim of this research is to discuss the feasibility of teaching materials that use ethnomathematics modules based on local culture in mathematics learning in elementary schools. The research method uses literature studies from national and international journals on mathematics teaching materials. The data analysis technique uses content analysis. The research results show that the use of teaching materials in the form of ethnomathematics modules as teaching materials has been widely used in mathematics learning. On average, the feasibility of the teaching materials developed is in the valid and very valid categories and the response of teachers and students to the use of teaching materials is positive and very positive. With this literature study, researchers can combine the use of ethnomathematics modules as a learning medium.</em></h1> sabahul khair Elianawati Elianawati Rusilowati Rusilowati Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 2 54 58 10.46643/ijtvet.v4i2.88 Development of Interactive Video Tutorial Media in Vocational Learning for Children with Special Needs with Mild Mental Requirements <h1><em>This research was motivated by the discovery of obstacles in developing low vocational competence for children with special needs for mild mental retardation, in making souvenirs so that there is a need for effective learning strategies and media to improve the skills of mild mentally retarded children so that they are proficient in making souvenirs, so that this can be a provision for children in the future. future and can be competent in the world of work. The purpose of this study was to describe interactive multimedia blueprints based on video tutorials in learning the vocational skills of children with mild special needs, and to determine the feasibility of interactive multimedia based on video tutorials. The type of research used is Research and Development, using the Assure development model. This research involved fifth semester students of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Dharmas Indonesia University. Based on the results of data analysis obtained from the aspect of content feasibility, which was carried out by content experts, it showed that the product was in accordance with the Learning Plan. Tests on the aspects of appearance, graphics, program operation and grammar carried out by media experts obtained calculation results of being in good qualification. Tests on aspects of learning, curriculum and interface design carried out by learning design experts obtained calculation results of being in good qualifications.</em></h1> ratih agustin wulandari Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 4 2 59 64 10.46643/ijtvet.v4i2.125 Evaluasi Belajar Game Edukasi Kahoot Terhadap Hasil Belajar Dasar Program Keahlian TITL di SMK <p>Pengaruh Evaluasi Belajar Game Edukasi Kahoot Terhadap Hasil Belajar Dasar Program Keahlian Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penggunaan game edukasi Kahoot dalam proses evaluasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar dasar pada program keahlian Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik. Metode evaluasi yang melibatkan elemen permainan dan interaktif seperti Kahoot dianggap memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan partisipasi dan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa pada program keahlian Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik yang dikelompokkan menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok yang mendapatkan evaluasi menggunakan Kahoot dan kelompok kontrol yang menggunakan metode evaluasi konvensional. Hasil belajar dasar diukur berdasarkan tes pengetahuan dan pemahaman materi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok yang mendapatkan evaluasi menggunakan Kahoot mencapai peningkatan hasil belajar yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Siswa yang terlibat dalam proses evaluasi menggunakan Kahoot menunjukkan tingkat keterlibatan yang lebih tinggi, meningkatkan motivasi belajar, dan mencapai pemahaman materi yang lebih baik. Temuan ini memberikan indikasi bahwa penerapan evaluasi belajar menggunakan game edukasi Kahoot efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar dasar pada program keahlian Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik. Dengan menyajikan materi pembelajaran melalui pendekatan yang lebih interaktif dan menyenangkan, Kahoot mendorong partisipasi aktif siswa dan mendukung pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran. Implikasinya dapat diterapkan dalam pengembangan metode evaluasi yang lebih inovatif dan efektif dalam konteks pembelajaran keahlian teknis.</p> Chindy Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 4 2 71 76 10.46643/ijtvet.v4i2.158 Web Based E-Commerce Information System <h1><em>The characteristic of modern education today is the emphasis on students' active and creative participation, which includes intellectual and emotional aspects in the learning process. In the context of learning graphic printing skills, the focus is on developing students' operational capacity, both mentally and physically. However, observations and interviews at SMK Negeri 7 Sijunjung show that learning needs to be more varied. Some teachers teach using conventional methods, such as games, demonstrations, and videos, while students follow the teacher's instructions without being actively and creatively involved. This makes learning less attractive for students as an alternative to increasing student engagement. This research was conducted through two cycles, each involving planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The action was carried out by utilizing internet media and other information technology and giving students project assignments. The research results showed an increase in students' average activity and creativity from one meeting to the next at the end of the second cycle. This indicates that the use of the project-based learning model can increase student involvement, and this model can be applied to help students develop their respective competencies. </em></h1> Sophan Sophian Tri Monarita Johan Raimon Efendi Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 4 2 65 70 10.46643/ijtvet.v4i2.160